Alvance British Aluminium
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JAHAMA Highland Estates
Delivering CN30
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Natural Capital
Improving Biodiversity
Forestry and Woodland Regeneration
Peatland Restoration
Lochaber Power & Hydro Scheme
Lochaber Hydro Plant And Marble Power Implement New Balancing Mechanism
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£2.4 million Alpsys upgrade project
A Summer Work Placement Experience at Alvance British Aluminium
Alumina shipment at the Port of Blyth SUF (Ship Unloading Facility)
Alvance British Aluminium’s Family Fun Day Supports Lochaber Women’s Aid
Alvance employees step into the new year
ALVANCE pays tribute to long serving Angus
Braxi Hall Car Park and access road gifted by Alvance British Aluminium to the Braxi Hall Committee and the residents of Inverlochy
Busy summer for junior Shinty players
Celebrating World Environment Day!
Christmas with ALVANCE British Aluminium
Connection restored at bridge over the river Spean
Dynamic Frequency Response – October 2024
Earn while you learn with debt free education – Modern and Graduate apprenticeships right here in Lochaber!
Energising Apprenticeships: ALVANCE welcomes new talent to their low carbon Aluminium smelter
Fort William Summer Street League Shinty
Glen Nevis Lower Falls car park and visitor improvement project opens
Green Aluminium Industry Leader, ALVANCE British Aluminium, achieves certification to the Aluminium Stewardship Performance Standard V3
Introducing our Summer Placement Students: Logan Mackenzie and Harris Lovatt join the Engineering Team
JAHAMA Highland Estates appoints Ruaridh Macdonald as Head of Estate Management & Development
JAHAMA Highland Estates Pushes ahead with Winter Peatland Restoration Programme
Job seekers cast their ambitions towards ALVANCE
Large, Wooded Structure Project on the River Spey
Lee Craigie, outdoor ambassador and adventurer, wins top mountain award
Lochaber businesses triumph at SCDI Awards
Monitoring smolts in the River Spey
Recruitment event showcases career opportunities in Lochaber
Refractory Rebuild on our No6 Holding Furnace in the Casting Shop
Remembering Lochaber’s Legacy This Remembrance Day
Staff & Contractor Family Fun Day at Alvance British Aluminium
Staff and families show off green fingers with tree planting spree
Stepping up support for Fort William Bike Park
Stepping up to support Connecting Young Carers
U16s receive something for a rainy day
Your Future Career in Lochaber!
About Us
ALVANCE Aluminium Dunkerque
ALVANCE British Aluminium
Contact Us
Delivering CN30
Forestry and Woodland Regeneration
Improving Biodiversity
JAHAMA Highland Estates
James Tangney
Jane MacDonald
Lochaber Hydro Plant And Marble Power Implement New Balancing Mechanism
Lochaber Power & Hydro Scheme
Modern Apprenticeship Programme
Modern Apprenticeships – Electrical/Mechanical
Natural Capital
News & Media
Our History
Our Organisation
Peatland Restoration
Peter Dodds
Privacy Policy
Recreation and Access
Rosie Flannigan
The Future
Maintenance Craftsperson – Electrical
Family Fun Day Supports Lochaber Women’s Aid
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