• 28/11/2024
  • News

ALVANCE British Aluminium Hosts Key COMAH Exercise to Strengthen Emergency Response and Safety Collaboration”

On 27th November 2024, ALVANCE British Aluminium hosted a vital Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) exercise, working alongside Highland Council and key emergency services to strengthen how we respond to major incidents.

These exercises are an essential part of meeting the COMAH Regulations, but importantly, they help ensure the safety of our people, the public and the environment.

The scenario led by Highland Council was an exercise simulating one of the site’s Major Accident Hazards. This pushed us to test our plans and collaborate with partners including the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS Highland, Belford Hospital, HM Coastguard and the British Red Cross.

The exercise included a comprehensive tabletop session to work through a variety of challenges and a site tour to help everyone get familiar with our operations and layout.

The Resilience Team from Highland Council commented on the event, saying:

“Working with ALVANCE British Aluminium and our multi-agency partners on this COMAH exercise was a great opportunity to explore our preparedness and strengthen teamwork. The site tour and tabletop scenarios helped boost situational awareness, ensuring we’re ready to respond effectively if needed.”

A big thank-you to everyone involved for their time, expertise and teamwork. It’s great to see what can be done through wider collaboration, as we maintain health and safety as being our number one priority.”

For further information about Alvance British Aluminium, please contact Colleen MacLean, Executive Assistant & Communications Lead on Colleen.MacLean@alvancegroup.com

Belford HospitalCOMAHHighland CouncilHM CoastguardNHS HighlandPolice ScotlandScottish Ambulance Service

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